For many years now we as a congregation have been contributing to the annual Shoebox Appeal of Operation Christmas Child. This year (2023) we managed to send 26 shoeboxes filled with goodies for these deserving children. This year, Operation Christmas Child have pledged that 75% of all shoeboxes will be sent to the Ukraine and surrounding countries where Ukrainian children have been displaced to. We hope and pray that they bring some happiness into these poor children's lives.
Although we cannot see them open the boxes in real life we love watching the DVDs that are available showing children in different countries opening their presents and to see the wonderful smiles on their faces. It may be only a small token but each one is prayed over before it is sent and the love of our people and especially the Love of God goes with each one.
The joy that these small gestures bring to these children always brings a tear to the eyes and we never know the effect it has on the whole family of the child who receives one of our boxes.
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way towards this cause. I am sure when the pictures arrive in early 2024 and we look at those smiling faces, we can feel proud to have been involved in bringing some joy to these poor children. God bless you all and God bless the children who receive our shoeboxes.
Below is a story of one such child who received a shoebox (not necessarily one of ours).
“It wasn’t just my first Christmas gift—it was my first gift ever. When I held it, there was joy and love in my heart such that I never felt before. I knew there were people out there who cared for me. I was not alone… As my whole class was running around seeing what everyone else got, I just stood in one place in amazement. I couldn’t believe what was going on and what I was seeing in my box… There was a doll, a colouring book, crayons, and hair clips. It took me a minute to let it all sink in. Because of my shoebox gift, I knew that the world wasn’t over yet. There was more to life than what I’d experienced. We were not forgotten. We were still loved.”
Great stories of the difference the contents of a shoebox can make. Thank you to all who contributed from New Life Fellowship and to Veronica who did the packing.
New Life Fellowship is a Registered Charity in England No 1052010